Friday, February 10, 2012

No Goals In Your Confidence!

Education is important for everyone, whether male, female, young and old, regardless of age. Sometimes someone said that education is too important for women because women are only going to be a housewife taking care of his family soon after they married. Moreover, the edges are still primitive people who are not concerned with the education of his children. Before the government requires them to learn nine years immediately marry their children. If we berpkikir future, what about their fate? What after marriage continue to rely on our parents? Though their economy enough to continue their education to higher education even become a scholar. Its right in the village of Mangkubumi Mr. H. Zaenudin he had a son he had to send their children to the Mts but it stopped in the middle of the road when their parents can pay for school. Upside down with a child who is determined to continue their education to college but unfortunately parents do not support the economy. In Article 31, paragraph 1 "every citizen has the right to education" and Article 31 Paragraph 3 "The government shall establish and conduct a national education system, which increases the faith and piety and noble character in the context of the intellectual life of bangasa, laid down in the Act." Although scholarship has always opened every year but the information is sometimes not up to the private school.Who is wrong what the university chose to just choose a public school or government that is not fair? Colleges are also flourishing and competitive quality, outstanding opportunities for children and parents who support the economy. Today do not know its not smart or students for college admission, provided there is a lubricant that we can easily enter. But remember what might be next generation quality like that? Sometimes they desire the school because the parent or parents as the officials would feel ashamed of his status in the lower level. On the contrary when a child wants to continue their education but their parents refused as the cost of living is very complicated. Even the parents told them to get to work and earn money. How is the fate of those with a passion for their studies until their goal is reached? They can only see their parents crying sweating to get the money to get to school and a bite of rice. Even those willing to walk their edges only to seek knowledge. If the nobility and the children are able to feel what they suffered. They can only spend money that can only be requested and ask the parents, they never even think how hard their parents earn money. When a teacher is fighting for his students so that they are intelligent, maybe their family is ill and even children they are willing to leave for his or her obligations and to earn wages to support his family.It should be thankful when they are born from a wealthy family pasilitas everything they asked for would come true seriousness of their lives to study. That is God's infinite justice every human being has strengths and weaknesses, but we lack the memunyai how to transform it into excess kita.Pendidikan shortage is no longer an important conversation or not, but education is the quality and quantity of someone who will bring to the door of the future. Some say the future of the nation depends on the current generation. But what about the fate of those who can only live in a dream that could not continue their education because their parents can not afford? Is it government's job? Actually we are equally as citizens living in Indonesia we have the right to education as stipulated in the Act where the above. If indeed this country want to move forward of course the younger generation should have a broad, intelligent and worthy of being a leader, not just held by the nobility, but by all classes irrespective of rich or poor. Likewise between schools and the state government should be fair in providing assistance both infrastructure and attention, because we are equally as citizens of Indonesia have the same rights. Not only the public school or who are in a big city that has always given more attention. When the National Exam is held and must be followed by all of Siwa in the ground water up there in the corner, what they might be able to a lack of infrastructure at the school? For example, Computer Laboratory, Science Laboratory, Library, Art does not exist and the lack of teacher support and building professionals who are less qualified. If all that met at least be able to guide the younger generation of qualified and able to make Indonesia a developed country and compete with other countries. Be able to restore Indonesia's largest food exporter in the world would be free from corruption and the rupiah value is proportional to N $ Dollar.Tapi if we keep fighting and instill our intention and determination to reach goals despite the lack of support, keep trying and always pray of course goals ideals will be achieved. Not necessarily the people who pursue higher education are always successful, we little people can certainly be successful. Ideals originated from a dream to be dreamed as high if we fall we're still among the thousands of stars, is still struggling and always the spirit!!